Vocational Training in Prisons: The Role of Vocational Education
1 year ago Learning Campbell River 26 views
Campbell River
The recent past has seen a number of prisoners reverting back to crime (recidivism) despite serving their terms. Avoidance of recidivism is achieved through the rehabilitation of prisoners into society. This book provides a cross-sectional descriptive survey carried out in Kitui prison, Kitui district to establish the role of VET in avoidance of recidivism among prisoners. It was established that majority of the in-charges expressed that positive readjustment was not emphasized by the prison education programme yet it is one of the main challenges faced by ex prisoners. It further established that over half of the trainees (58.5%) agreed that VET training will assist them to become self employed on leaving the prison. It is recommended that all prisoners should have access to education and once out of the prison should be funded, issued with certificate of good conduct and regularly monitored on their out of prison undertakings. Vocational education should aim at the rapid technological changes and the wider development of the individual, as well as being sensitive to trends in the labour-market. This would help in positive readjustment of the ex prisoners in the society.