Callans Grade 10 Science Ontario (SNC2D) Course Book Study Guide
1 year ago Learning Cambridge 34 views
Over 300 problems with full step-by-step solutions.
Course Notes - all information needed in the course:
Unit 1 - Biology
Unit 2 - Chemistry
Unit 3 - Physics (Optics)
Unit 4 - Climate Change
12 worksheets, 6 quizzes, 4 tests, 8 unit reviews, 1 exam.
242 pages in colour.
Original diagrams that clearly illustrate concepts that are regularly tested on.
No blank spaces – some workbooks contain blank pages for students to write in, Callan’s books are packed with information, questions, and step-by-step solutions with no wasted blank space.
Callan’s books were designed to give students of Ontario schools a comprehensive study of the Ontario curriculum.