Vocational Education and Professional Training Hardcover March 8 2022
1 year ago Learning Campbell River 32 views
Campbell River
The form of technical education which aims at preparing people for various roles related to a specific occupation, trade or vocation, is known as vocational education. Training under vocational education provides career training for jobs which are based upon practical fields or manuals. This type of education is non-academic. They are mostly provided at post-secondary, higher education and further education level. Under apprenticeship, new generation of practitioners of a profession with on-job training are trained with some classroom work and study. Vocational schools are educational institutions, which are especially designed to provide vocational education and technical skills. Online vocational education is an emerging field, providing education about various trade skills from professionals to those living far. This book provides comprehensive insights into the field of vocational education and training. Such selected concepts that redefine this field have been presented in herein. This textbook aims to serve as a resource guide for students and experts alike and contribute to the growth of the discipline.