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Trends in Vocational Education and Training Research: Proceedings

1 year ago   Learning   Candiac   38 views


  • trends-in-vocational-education-and-training-research-proceedings-big-0
Location: Candiac
Price: $19.64

For the first time in many years, VETNET publishes a collection of short papers in an edited book of proceedings, which is available online and as a printed version. VETNET has had a long tradition in making ECER presentations and full papers open to a broader public. So, what’s the purpose of having “a real book”? We see it as an opportunity for VETNET to in-crease the visibility of current research in vocational education and training - and as an oppor-tunity for its researchers to talk about planned, ongoing and finalised pieces of work. VETNET lives, if knowledge is shared, discussed and challenged by others. The people involved are ready to cross boundaries in their theoretical and methodological thinking and acting.

