Bath Salts Set with 3x400g of Lavender
1 year ago Beauty & Well being Desenzano del Garda 40 views
Desenzano del Garda
20 €
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- TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH AND BEAUTY with Set of 3 bath salts: Lavender, Sea Breeze, Ylang-Ylang!
- EACH BATH SALT GRAIN has been crafted with great care and attention from real sea salt with the addition of pure essential oils. Bath salts are excellent for good sleep, stress relief, relaxation, beauty
- BATH WITH YLANG-YLANG - improves health, stimulates blood circulation and metabolism in the body, relieves nervous and physical tension, makes the skin more elastic
- SEA BREEZE BATH saturates the body with important vitamins and minerals. Increases performance, reduces fatigue during exercise, beneficial effect on the skin.
- BATH WITH ''LAVENDER'' - improves mood, relieves, eliminates excessive excitement, eliminates tears and insomnia and provides inner peace